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Per la prima volta in 30 anni, in alcune zone dell'India si vede l'Himalaya
Per la prima volta in 30 anni, grazie alla riduzione dei livelli di inquinamento in tutto il paese, le montagne dell'Himalaya sono visibili in zone dell'India ad una distanza di addirittura 200 km.

Nel distretto Jalandhar, nel Punjab (India settentrionale), anche chi si trova a 200 km di distanza dalla catena montuosa può goderne la vista, e i social network sono invasi da questo insolito spettacolo.
Himalaya mountains can be seen from Jalandhar since pollution has reduced in Punjab. Beautiful sight ????#punjab #COVID19 #pollution
— TjSingh (@covsinghtj) April 3, 2020
Today morning people in Jalandhar woke up to a massive surprise. They could see what they had not seen for the last 30 years.
— RAJESH GANDHI (@Rajesh18Gandhi) April 4, 2020
Right in front of their eyes stood the majestic Dhauladhar mountain range of Himalayas from Himachal Pradesh.
Pollution levels have dropped considerably
So my cousin sent me this.... You can now see the foothills of the himalayas in Himachal from Punjab, thanks to the lockdown and low pollution. This is #Jalandhar. ????⭐???? #IndiaLockdown #IndiaCorona
— Kash Singh (@kash_education) April 5, 2020
Same here from my village in Jammu
— अभिषेक् मेहरा Abhishek അഭിഷേകঅভিষেক ਅਭਿਸ਼ੇਕ (@yahoo_mehra) April 3, 2020